Tuesday, April 13, 2010

beautiful weather


Friday- worked until 7, then went to see Hoobastank at Mohegan sun with amber, Brittany, and a few others.

Saturday- sat on the computer all day, worked from 4-10. went to bed soon after i think

Sunday- worked 7-12. actually woke up at 7:12, due to the alarm not going off. got to work for 7:22. Worked at the self-check out. had a coffee and bagel for breakfast. went from there, dropped amber off at work and went to practice, where one of tim's friends was filming a mini-documentary for us. did interviews and silly things for the camera. afterward hung out with mark for the first time in a while. chatted and then had dinner with his family. didn't feel well so went home by about 10:30.

Monday- worked 1-7. did my taxes. somehow i owe money. hopefully that gets fixed. found out amber's great grandmother passed away. made dinner, went to bed.

today- just woke up. writing blog.

i'm noit sure if i've wrote about this before, but different seasons my me nostalgic for different points in my life. Fall alwys makes me nostalgic for high school time. Going on band competitions in the crisp air, playing at the football games, being over-dramatic, being a silly rebellious kid.

Winter up until the holidays reminds me of when i was very little, probably around 4 or 5. the way in which the house looked at night with thanksgiving decorations or with Christmas lights. making popcorn and watching star trek TNG on a cold Sunday afternoon in front of the fireplace (though surprisingly, we only used the fireplace a few times. those few times are the moments i remember pretty vividly.)

And right about this time through the summer I'm in the mindset of myself around 1993-1994. riding bikes with nick and Greg down the street, before there was a street finished at the end our road. Building jumps that i could never really get the hang of, and subsequently fall all of the time.

Around this time we would be waiting for the arrival of the illusive Jay. Jay lived with his grandmother who lived next door to us, but he was only there during the summer. There wasn't the type of communication t3exhnology that there is now, so when he left, it was always rather sad, but it was understood that he would probably back. he had a BMX bike too, and he lived in Arizona. better at all of the jumps and stuff than we were. Always had tall tales, that to me nowadays were obviously ridiculous, but t the time seemed as valid as the air.

My nostalgic thoughts are shared with those of hanging out with friends ad also my alone time and time with family. I used to go to east coast marketplace with my mom(it's like an ocean state), and they would have these very odd computer games that would come in a set of four in one package. The games came on 5 1/4 floppy. I think they were about a dollar. And these i would bring home and play. They were the oddest games too. Some were text-based, while had crude graphics. It was a mystery where they came from, and they were very personal to me and my uncle Al and cousin Shannon. no one else had ever heard of them.

I guess the thing that i miss is the simplicity. Granted, it wasn't the 1920s or anything, but technology hadn't evolved to the point where you can get connected to anyone within an instant. We had land lines in our house, few people used the internet for communication yet, and you still got letters from your relatives far away. Though our communication technology was a bit more primitive, i personally feel that i had better social skills when the only way to make friends was to ride your bike around aimlessly until you see a kid that is doing the same thing. I guess you could say there was more mystery. Life was mythical. Rumors held their weight. No one knew the exact truth. Now you can find exact information on everything without having to talk to anyone. And I, a lot of times, take the path of least resistance.

And that is why, I've decided to give it up. I don't know for how long, but I'm not going to use the internet to communicate. People can call me or we can see each other in person. i think that it's enough. I need to get closer to the ground. Back on the surface. I'm living too much in my head, and in 1s and 0s, and less in reality. With the exception of my blog and the cell phone, I'm gonna take myself back to 1993.

see you there.

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