Friday, December 11, 2009

nearing solstice.

Yesterday i had the day off, but i still woke up at 6:15. I half of the day doing music promotion online, and the other half cleaning my apartment. Today i worked from 7-1 and I've been doing the same thing sense. Promoting music online has always given me a sense of accomplishment, but a deeper type of accomplishment. It feels like it is what i should be doing.
It's really a difficult thing to live in the present, and not without fear. Fear only exists from outside of the present. You can see yourself accomplishing goals and fufilling your life's ambitions, but then you don't. Mainly the reason is that you need to do something else, to hedge yourself from some possible tragedy 30 years in the future. Usually the responsible the thing to do is the one that makes you feel safe, not the one that allows you to live, love or create. I feel that is a modern tragedy.
So i sit online, i think of ways to make money to travel around the country and sing to people, regardless of what they think of the idea. And maybe, just maybe, I'll win them over. But for now, i just write.

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